Oral Presentations

The duration of each presentation is 20 minutes including discussion. Authors should limit their lecture presentation to 15 minutes to allow for 5 minutes of questions.

A projector and a computer with MS PowerPoint will be available in every session room for regular presentations.

Presentation Slide Preparation


Files can be uploaded to the computers in the lecture rooms during the breaks between the sessions. To avoid software compatibility problems, speakers are advised to put .ppt, .pptx, and .pdf versions of their presentation on the USB stick.

Be warned that movies embedded in the presentations are not guaranteed to be played. In addition, avoid using fonts that are not present in the Windows operating system.

Speakers should arrive in their session room 10 minutes BEFORE the start of their session to report to the Session Chair, and upload your slides if you have not done so previously.

Virtual Author Presentation Instructions

Authors of Oral Papers

We request you to prepare and upload a video of your presentation, comprised of a brief introduction with a webcam if desired, followed by voice-over slides for your presentation. This will be played back in a Zoom room during your presentation time slot at the MeMeA 2023 in-person conference in case of technical difficulties. You must be present at that time and date to participate in Q&A with the onsite attendees. Please note that the file must be a video file in MP4 format (more details below).

Instructions for recording your presentation with Zoom:


Guidelines for preparing your video:

Duration: 15 minutes max
File size: 750MB max
Video file format: mp4
Dimensions: Minimum height 720 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9

Uploading your video instructions (Deadline: June 2)

  • Visit the Speaker Submission Webform at the following URL: [This will be individually emailed to all virtual authors]
  • Choose which author is the presenting author
  • Fill out your Speaker Information
    1. Optional
      1. Upload a Speaker headshot photo
      2. Include a Speaker Biography in the available text field
  • Upload your Presentation Data
    1. video in mp4 format (max of 750MB is allowed)
    2. Upload PDF of your presentation slides (Optional)
    3. Upload your pdf of your poster (Mandatory for Posters)
  • Wait for your video to finish uploading into the system
  • Submit the form by selecting the Submit button at the bottom of the screen
  • A confirmation message will be presented upon successful submission and a confirmation will be emailed to you
    1. Be sure to retain this information in case you need to make future updates to your submission

Day of Zoom Instructions

Zoom Link:  [This will be individually emailed to all virtual authors]

Your live Zoom session will feature the playback of the presentation videos. These presentations will be played directly from the hosts’ computer, speakers do not need to handle this. As a speaker, you will be added to a panelist role within the Zoom platform.

We ask that all speakers join their live session at least 15 minutes early to ensure the set-up is confirmed to your requirements and that there are no issues prior to the meeting beginning.

You can also reference the Zoom training videos to look further into any questions you may have as well.

Zoom Training Videos